I hit a huge milestone last weekend.
I finally ran 10 kilometers. For you Yankees out there, that's 6.2 miles. It may not sound like a lot, but it DEFINITELY feels far while you're running it. Especially the last .2 miles or so (as evidenced my the look on my face...or lack of one).
I didn't quite make my goal of 1:10, because of a ridiculous hill that I had to run TWICE, but I was within a few minutes of my goal, so I'm ok with that.
Besides, since it was my first 10k ever, I PRed! For those of you who have no idea what that means, PR = Personal Record. So it can only get better from here!
Now, I know what you're thinking...Marissa, does this mean you've finally run 100,000 miles? Um, no. Not even by a long shot. I'm about 99,800 miles away from that goal.
But my car has driven that far as of this week!
Yup, in almost 6 years, I have driven over 100,000 miles in my little Civic (aka Mabel). That's a lot of driving! I think it was all that driving between Vancouver and Portland. Each one of those trips was at least 700 miles! Damn.
You've become quite the runner! Great job! Isn't it awesome?!? I see a half marathon in your future!