Friday, October 21, 2011

100,000 miles is a long way to go!

I hit a huge milestone last weekend.

I finally ran 10 kilometers.  For you Yankees out there, that's 6.2 miles.  It may not sound like a lot, but it DEFINITELY feels far while you're running it.  Especially the last .2 miles or so (as evidenced my the look on my face...or lack of one).

I didn't quite make my goal of 1:10, because of a ridiculous hill that I had to run TWICE, but I was within a few minutes of my goal, so I'm ok with that.

Besides, since it was my first 10k ever, I PRed!  For those of you who have no idea what that means, PR = Personal Record.  So it can only get better from here!

Now, I know what you're thinking...Marissa, does this mean you've finally run 100,000 miles?  Um, no.  Not even by a long shot.  I'm about 99,800 miles away from that goal.

But my car has driven that far as of this week!

Yup, in almost 6 years, I have driven over 100,000 miles in my little Civic (aka Mabel).  That's a lot of driving!  I think it was all that driving between Vancouver and Portland.  Each one of those trips was at least 700 miles!  Damn.

1 comment:

  1. You've become quite the runner! Great job! Isn't it awesome?!? I see a half marathon in your future!
