Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lazy Sunday

Have you ever just had a lazy weekend?  Like, really lazy?  Like, you didn't shower or move from the couch except to make something to eat?  Well that's the weekend the husband and I are having.  And we're loving it!  Well, Eric's about to love it more since we're about to watch football.  Yeah.  I could think of a lot more fun things to do than watch football on a Sunday afternoon.  Like plucking my eyebrows.  Or taking out the trash.  Or weeding.

We plan on venturing out today on an exciting field trip: To Wal-Mart to get a binder for organizing all my recipes that I've been printing out and trying.  It's exciting and you can't take that away from me.  Perhaps I'll even make something tasty to show you later.  But only if you're good.

And now I will leave you with this.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your lazy, football Sunday Marissa. Uncle Steve, Aunt Cynthia and I are going to the Oktoberfest in Mt. Angel. Will have a beer and toast you and Eric. Loves to all.

    Aunt Kathi
